Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Spent the Morning in the E.R.

Oye this just isn't my year season or whatever will call it. I was having chest pain over the weekend and it went away. I was feelin down on Monday and the pain came back than went away. It came back this morning and I was havin trouble breathing so Allina told me to get to United as soon as possible. This pulminary embolisim business is no fun. if only I could go back in time and rethink my decision to use the ring. I guess God only puts on our plates what we can handle right. Just hope my work doesn't fire me over this. I'm out until Thursday:( getting rest and trying to get better

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day 2009

Look at what Santa Brought Me!!!!

Oooo I even got stuffs in my Stocking

Spiderman paper, Santa must know he's one of my favorites

Christmas Eve with the Bears

Every year we host Christmas eve at our house.
This years dinner menu was
Ham with brown sugar glaze
Chicken Cordon Blu
Mac & Cheese
Sour Cream & Chive Scalloped Potatoes
Augratin Potatoes
Linguine with Alfredo sauce

This was my first christmas with Nansa and the Husbands Second Christmas with Nans

The red pot is my Lodge Color Cast iorn pot

oooo cool toys

Helping Grandma with her presents

Friday, December 25, 2009

Snow Storms are fun

Frecktavius the bold is getting that branch

Let me go Nans Ive got snow to attack

Oooo its so cold

I'm gonna get you Nans

Macy's Santa Land. Macy's down town Minneapolis

Baking Bear

Snow Ball Cake


A Platter full of goodies

Sugar cookies

Chocolate Sandwich cookies with Peanutt Butter Cream

Vanilla Bean Cheese Cake

Zac Brown Band with my Daddy

For my Dads 58th birthday I bought him a ticket to see the Zac brown Band at the Northrup Auditorium at the UofM. It was an awesome show. Whatever it is I like my chicken fried and toes in the water

Facelogic wth Miss Sherri

Miss Sherri and I went to the Girl Friends Get Away out at Treasure Island Resort and Casino the weekend before Thanks Giving, also known as the deer hunting opener or does weekend. While there we pursed through the stalls of goodies, purses, clothes and all sorts of things. At one in particular they were selling $400 spa packages for $47 we couldn't pass it up and slapped our credit cards down.

Idont know if you are suppose to snap photos in the spa but I did any way!
We went to Facelogic out in Eden Praire, man are they good at what they do!

Thanks Giving with the Bears

Growing up my family never celebrated Thanks Giving. In reality a lot of Indian people do not celebrate it. We believe and feel that you should give thanks to the creater all day and every day of your life. In addition a lot of us do not celebrate it because the story of Thanks Giving comes from the settlers perspectve and is a far cry from the truth.

This would be Nylans first Thanks Giving with us, so I sucked up my pride and poped a turkey in the oven and celebrated it with my child

Trans Siberian Orchestra at Target Center

I've always wanted to see TSO live, but every year when they come to MN the shows are always sold out.
However this year the husband and I scored tickets.
They are amazing to see in concert, this years theme was Night Castle

I must add the husband did fall a sleep a few times during the show:P

Life with PE

Its been two months since the day I drove myself to the hospital. I am not 100% but I am getting there little by little. I am taking it day by day. Some days I'm really tired others I am great. I am thankful for my husband who has picked up my slack around the house and is understanding of my lack of desire for coloring.
Miss Sherri has been a blessing, she always cheers me up and has been downing the liqour and coffee for me!
My new job is going great. I like it alot, we had a bumpy start. My boss thought that my blood clot was a prexsisting confition and didn't cut me much slack when I had to miss work. I finally got a chance to explain to him and the hr lady that no you idiots I had no clue that this was going to happen and no its not a condition, it was a total and utter fluke.